Contractors Pollution Liability

Contractors Pollution Liability is not just for hazardous waste contractors.  It has become a needed coverage for many cleaning and restoration contractors.  Standard General Liability policies have exclusions for pollution, fungi, bacteria, and mold.  And cleaning and restoration contractors are often working in situations where these elements are present.  Even more, they are typically the companies hired to clean these elements or remove them altogether.  

Two Common Culprits For Pollution Claims

Many contractors can encounter pollutants in their work.  They can unintentionally disturb, transport and even store pollutants.  However, cleaning and restoration contractors should be aware that they daily interact with two common culprits of pollution claims.

  • Mold
  • Contaminated water

Even slightly contaminated water contains fungi and bacteria which can trigger exclusions and uncovered claims from the General Liability policy.  Mold exclusions were put in place on almost all General Liability policies starting in the early 2000’s.  These common coverage gaps present real risk and uncovered liability for many cleaning and restoration companies.

What does Contractors Pollution Liability do?

Contractors Pollution Liability protects you from allegations and suits arising from your work with substances that are deemed pollutants.  This policy is intended to fill the gaps in your General Liability policy that are caused by pollution related exclusions.  A good Contractor Pollution Liability policy will have coverage for both Bodily Injury and Property Damage that could result from a pollution claim.

Protecting From Pollution Claims

Talk with our experienced team about your need for Contractors Pollution Liability.  They can assess your operations and guide you into the correct coverage.  All Contractor Pollution Liability policies are not created equal and we can help you address important issues such as:

  • Definition of “Pollutants”
  • Clean up costs
  • Coverage for work from subcontractors
  • Coverage and definition of “Your Work”
  • Coverage and definition of “Property Damage”


Contractors Pollution Liability policies can be purchased as a stand alone policy or within a liability package policy that commonly package General Liability, Contractors Pollution Liability and Professional Liability together.  Based on your assessment, the Moody team can help guide you in what may be best for your operations.

Your Clients Are Asking

The potential for large pollution related claims exists within the cleaning and restoration space.  It is common for contracts to now require Contractors Pollution Liability coverage.  Your potential clients want to make sure their premises and people are protected if there were a pollution event.  The General Liability policy is not enough to comply and protect.  The good news is that there is an accessible product that can fill the gap and provide your business with the protection you need to succeed.