Your greatest asset and greatest risk

A business will rise or fall based on the quality of it’s people.  This holds true for your Professional Residential Cleaning business as well.  

Our clients are often surprised as we walk them through risk identification for their cleaning business that their people are their greatest asset and also their greatest risk.  Why?  Because for better and for worse, we’re all human.  

As people we bring a diverse toolbox of life experiences, work experiences, feelings, work ethic, skills, ideas, opinions, and resources on to the job with us every day.  We also bring our own physical limitations, medical conditions, and mental health journey with us into every situation.  That’s a lot of variables.  A lot of capacity for amazing ideas and growth.  And simultaneously the risk for poor decisions or mistakes.  It happens.

So where do we usually find these human errors?  The modern employer and employee relationship can be complicated.  Sometimes mistakes are made in this relationship without knowing it.  Other times there is purposeful damage or harm.  What types of mistakes can lead to lost employees, lost business, insurance claims, allegations against your business, or legal situations that you’d rather avoid?

Here are some common scenarios we help our clients navigate.  Click the links to learn more about each of these claim situations and how to avoid them.

  • Claims by employees against employers alleging discrimination, unfair hiring/firing practices or work-place harassment increase each year.   These claims fall into a category known as Employment Practices.
  • Auto Liability claims are a very common claim that we see in residential cleaning businesses.  Many come from driver errors.  When an employee causes an accident while on the job, driving their own vehicle or a company vehicle, your business can be considered liable for that accident. 
  • Employee work-related injuries are another leading claim type. Injuries to hands, fingers and knees can occur with repetitive motion over time.  Back and shoulder injuries are commonly caused more suddenly by lifting or carrying.  All of these can lead to medical bills, possible physical therapy and employees who are unable to work for a period of time.
  • Lastly, we all know the risk that comes with cleaning – stuff gets broken.  It happens.  Even to the most experienced employees.  As a business, you can be held liable for damage to property that was in your employee’s care.  Damage caused by chemical cleaning agents.  Art, heirlooms, or electronics getting knocked off a table.  Damage to expensive carpeting or drapes.  Worse, an employee can be accused of theft.  It doesn’t have to be true to become a claim.

Your people are what makes your business flourish, and you want to know how to take care of them and encourage a long-lasting positive relationship.